PERSONAL WORK (18 galleries)
A serie of personal projects developped over the years: RECYCLE - Man and Waste; Sweet little Switzerland: Afrique Noire (Africa); Swiss Alpine Farmers.
2020 - A picture a Day / Personal diary
368 images
Sweet little Switzerland. 2017 - 1987
168 images
BOOKS for sale. Signed Copies by...
10 images
RECYCLE - The complete book.
239 images
RECYCLE - Deluxe Collectors Edition
8 images
RECYCLE - Selected pictures
90 images
Afrique Noire - Selected pictures
58 images
Alpine Farmers. Switzerland 1993 -...
60 images
USA. New York. Spanish Harlem. Family...
60 images
Animals' world. 2024-1986
140 images
Swiss love guns. 2020 - 2016
76 images
Wonderful Couples. 2024-1985
110 images
All you need is a Heart
80 images
Statue of Liberty
20 images
38 images
30 images
38 images
The Eiffel Tower
9 images