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France. Ile-de-France Department. Paris. Eurosatory 2022. A visitor stands clos to the Panther KF51, a main battle tank developed by the German company Rheinmetall. The tank is armed with a 130mm smoothbore Rheinmetall Future Gun System (FGS) (Rh-130 L52) and a fully automatic ammunition handling system with 20 ready rounds, and a 12.7mm coaxial machine gun with an integrated remotely controlled weapons station. The man has both arms covered with tattoos. He wears a T-Shirt with a drawing of the <br />
USS Missouri (BB-63), an Iowa-class battleship built for the United States Navy (USN) in the 1940s. Eurosatory is the international reference for land and airland Defence and Security exhibition. 13.6.2022 © 2022 Didier Ruef