Angola. Cuando Cubango. Kapembe. Jonas Savimbi founded in 1966 the political opposition movement Unita (Uniao para a Independncia Total de Angola) . Unita was opposed at the time of the portuguese colonisation to the socialist MPLA (Movimento de Liberaao de Angola), born in 1961. After the independence and for 28 years, Unita declared a permanent war (bush and guerrila warfare) on the government runs by the MPLA. Savimbi was killed on february 22 2002. The cease fire was signed on april 4 2002. The people from Unita are now living in quartering areas. The WFP (World Food Programm) organises a food distribution (maize and vegetable oil to feed people during the famine time). The food is given to the WFP by the Unites States of America (USA). © 2002 Didier Ruef