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Switzerland. Canton Ticino. Cureglia is a municipality in the district of Lugano. "Tiratori del Gaggio" society. Shooting range. Food for lunch time. Gaz barbecue with cooked grilled veal sausages and cervelats with its ends cut open in the traditional Swiss manner.  On the fence, a  sign written in german, french and italian languages forbid any access to anybody due to shooting during the entire day. Trees in winter season. Cervelat, also cervelas, servelat or zervelat, is a sausage produced in Switzerland. Swiss cervelats are made of roughly equal parts of beef, pork, bacon, pork rind and ice, which helps bind the ingredients, along with spices, curing salt and cutter additives. The ingredients are finely minced in a cutter, packed into beef intestines, smoked for an hour and then cooked by boiling for a short time. Processed and packaged varieties sold in Swiss supermarkets also contain nitrites and antioxidants. A cervelat may weigh from about 100 to 200 grams.16.02.2019 © 2019 Didier Ruef