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0049-2013-08-12-Switzerland-Lugano-Art-Cracking Art Group-Snail-Graffiti-Couple-2013.JPG
www.didierruef.comSwitzerland. Canton Ticino. Lugano. REgeneration by Cracking Art Group is a project curated by Must Gallery. A snail, a couple, a public bus and a graffiti of a smiling face on a tree's trunk. A huge snail with a height of 2.30 meters is wandering in a park. The Cracking Art Group plays with the city in order to rebuild it ideally and mentally and break with the daily routine rediscovering both the urban crossing and landscape. The Cracking Art Group chose the snail because it conveys three different metaphors through contemporary art language: the first one is connected to hearing, since the snail's spiral reminds of the human ear; the second one can be related to living, given that the snail carries its home on its back: the third considering that the snail is made of recyclable plastic. The Cracking Art Group' project "REgeneration" embodies another important value, sustainability. This means leaving a mark - an artistic mark - on the metropolitan landscape with an ethically responsible approach to ambient. 12.08.13 © 2013 Didier Ruef