Switzerland. Canton Ticino. Sonvico. A woman lying down on an emergency medical stretcher is being transported from home. The woman is suffering from a stroke and needs to be brought urgently to the hospital for medical examinations. At night time on a narrow street, four paramedics are pushing the stretcher to the ambulance. The paramedics wear blue uniforms and work for the Croce Verde Lugano. The man (R) and the woman (center right) are professional certified nurses, the two others are volunteers specifically trained in emergency rescue. The Croce Verde Lugano is a private organization which ensure health safety by addressing different emergencies services and rescue services. Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity where an individual provides services for no financial or social gain to benefit another person, group or organization. Volunteering is also renowned for skill development and is often intended to promote goodness or to improve human quality of life. 20.01.2018 © 2018 Didier Ruef