Ethiopia. Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region. Omo Valley. Mursi tribe. Agro-pastoralist group. Nomadic. Two Mursi men, one with a Kalashnikov on his shoulder. The AK-47 (also known as the Kalashnikov, AK, or Kalash) is a selective-fire (semi-automatic and automatic) assault rifle. The Mursi women are famed for wearing large plates in their lips (round clay plates placed into a cut in the lower lip) and ears. The disk is seen as a symbol of beauty and wealth. The Omo Valley, situated in Africa’s Great Rift Valley, is home to an estimated 200,000 indigenous peoples who have lived there for millennia. Amongst them are 8'000 Mursi who dwell between the Omo and Mago rivers. Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region (often abbreviated as SNNPR) is one of the nine ethnic divisions of Ethiopia. 11.11.15 © 2015 Didier Ruef