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Switzerland. Geneva. Easter at the Russian Church. The church is a lovely 19th-century Russian Orthodox church and designed in a Byzantine Moscovite style. The church’s full name is Cathédrale de l'Exaltation de la Sainte Croix. After midnight on the night of Easter Sunday, the Archbishop Michael, priests, deacons and congregation go in a procession around the church, holding lit candles, chanting: By Thy Resurrection O Christ our savior, the angels in Heaven sing, enable us who are on Earth, to glorify thee in purity of heart. This procession reenacts the journey of the Myrrhbearers to the Tomb of Jesus "very early in the morning". After circling around the church once, the procession halts in front of the  church's closed doors which represent the sealed tomb. Then, the Archbishop Michael makes the sign of the cross with the censer in front of the closed doors and blesses a crowd of believers. He holds in his left hand the Paschal Trikirion which is a liturgical triple-candlestick used at Easter time in the Eastern Orthodox ceremony. It is used from the commencement of the celebration of the Resurrection during the Paschal Vigil. The nighttime liturgy is a blessing of Easter fire with candles and the celebration of the Easter Proclamation of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. A priest holds in his hands the Paschal Trikirion which is a liturgical triple-candlestick used at Easter time in the Eastern Orthodox ceremony. It is used from the commencement of the celebration of the Resurrection during the Paschal Vigil. Archbishop Michael (Secular name - Simeon Vasilyevich Donskoff; born on 29 March 1943) is a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Archbishop of Geneva and Western Europe. Easter, also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday is a festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial after his crucifixion.The Russian church serves not only