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Djibouti. Djibouti province. Djibouti town. Quartier 2. Fatouma is a black muslim commercial sex worker (CSW). She seats on the bed in her tiny room where she prostitutes herself for 300 Djibouti Francs ( around 1.5 US$). She always use condoms with her customers. Sabah is one of the prostitutes belonging to the association Al-Salaam, which means "Soeur à Soeur" (Sister to sister). The Global Fund through the djiboutian Ministry of Health supports the condoms distribution with an Aids grant (financial aid). Fatouma is chewing khat which is a flowering plant native to tropical East Africa and contains the alkaloid cathinone, an amphetamine-like stimulant which causes excitement and euphoria. Djiboutian men and women usualy chew in the afternoon hours. Khat is considered as a drug which abuse can produce mild to moderate psychic dependence.  © 2006 Didier Ruef