Switzerland. Canton Bern. Neuenegg. Historisches Neueneggschiessen. A group of men and a woman are firing with automatic or semi-automatic assault rifles SG 550 during the traditional firing tournament for the Neuenegg battle’s celebration. On March 5, 1798, under the command of Colonel Johann Rudolf von Graffenried, the Bernese army triumphed over numerically superior French troops under Brigadier General Pigeon. The Swiss proved their military skills by defeating a Napoleonic brigade. Napoleon still conquered Switzerland, but that hasn't prevented the celebration of Neuenegg's victory each year. The SG 550 is an assault rifle manufactured by Swiss Arms AG (formerly a division of Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft now known as Sig Holding AG) of Neuhausen, Switzerland. "SG" is an abbreviation for Sturmgewehr, or "assault rifle". The rifle is based on the earlier 5.56mm SG 540 and is also known as the Fass 90 (Fusil d'assaut 90/Fucile d'assalto 90) in French/Italian or Stgw 90 in German (Sturmgewehr 90). 5.03.2017 © 2017 Didier Ruef