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Switzerland. Canton Ticino. Barbengo. The Stations of the Cross outside the church «San Ambrogio». Don Gerald Chukwudi An, a catholic priest from Nigeria (Africa), should have lead a religious procession, but due to to the bad weather it got cancelled and took place inside the church. The Stations of the Cross or the Way of the Cross, also known as the Way of Sorrows or the Via Crucis, refers to a series of images depicting Jesus Christ on the day of his crucifixion and accompanying prayers. The stations grew out of imitations of Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem which is believed to be the actual path Jesus walked to Mount Calvary. The object of the stations is to help the Christians faithful to make a spiritual pilgrimage through contemplation of the Passion of Christ. Commonly, a series of 14 images will be arranged in numbered order along a path and the faithful travel from image to image, in order, stopping at each station to say the selected prayers and reflections. This will be done individually or in a procession most commonly during Lent, especially on Good Friday, in a spirit of reparation for the sufferings and insults that Jesus endured during his passion. 30.03.2018 © 2018 Didier Ruef