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Italy. Lombardy region. Campione d'Italia. Campione d'Italia is occupying an enclave within the Swiss canton of Ticino, separated from the rest of Italy. Night scene. The european flag floats in the wind. The Flag of Europe consists of a circle of twelve golden (yellow) stars on a blue background. It is most commonly associated with the European Union (EU), formerly the European Community, which adopted the flag in the 1980s. However it was first adopted by the Council of Europe (CoE), which created it in 1955. The flag is blue with a circle of 12 gold/yellow five-pointed stars orientated upwards (the number of stars is fixed). The Council of Europe described the flag as: "Against the blue sky of the Western world, the stars represent the peoples of Europe in a circle, a symbol of unity. Their number shall be invariably set at twelve, the symbol of completeness and perfection ... just like the twelve signs of the zodiac represent the whole universe, the twelve gold stars stand for all peoples of Europe - including those who cannot as yet take part in building up Europe in unity and peace.". 28.02.2008  © 2008 Didier Ruef.