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USA. New York state. Woodbourne. The International Center for a Culture of Compassion (ICCC). The ICCC belongs to the Mouvements catholique Point-Coeurs. Father Alexandre Morard is a swiss citizen and a catholic priest of the Sacerdotal Molokai Fraternity (Fraternité Sacerdotale Molokaï). He celebrates with another priest the morning mass in the house's chapel. The Mass is the Sacrifice of the New Law in which Christ, through the ministry of the priest, offers Himself to God in an unbloody manner under the appearances of bread and wine. Sacramental bread, sometimes called altar bread, Communion bread, the Lamb or simply the host, is the bread which is used in the Christian ritual of the Eucharist. A sisters from a women's religious congregation (Congrégation des Servantes de la Présence de Dieu) receives standing the Eucharist. The mem­bers of the Sacerdotal “Molokai” Fraternity live their priest­hood as a ser­vice to the voca­tion of the lay faithful to holi­ness and according to Heart’s Home charism of Compassion. The Society of Apostolic Life “Molokai” is gov­erned by its own statutes. It has been placed under the patronage of Father Damien or Saint Damien of Molokai, SS.CC. or Saint Damien de Veuster known as the Apostle of the leper in Molokai (an island in the Hawaiian archipelago). The priests of the Fraternity “Molokai” are called to ful­fill sev­eral dif­ferent mis­sions within the Organization Heart’s Home as well as at the ser­vice of other eccle­sial real­i­ties. Through their min­istry they try to spread a cul­ture of Compassion throughout the world while being at the ser­vice of all aspects of human life (family, cul­ture, work, pol­i­tics, health) so as to direct them con­stantly to Christ who is the One revealing fully humanity to itself. They con­stantly keep in mind that they are “use­less ser­vants” and there­fore avoid to get attached to a role or a func­tion to the detri­ment of the love for Chr