
Togo. Kara Region. Koutammakou is a cultural landscape designated in 2004 as an UNESCO World Heritage Site. A Tamberma man holds in his hands Gossypium herbaceum, commonly known as Levant cotton, which is a species of cotton native to the semi-arid regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Their flowers are small and yellow with a purple center. The plant exhibits extrafloral nectaries (calyculal nectaria, found on the receptacle, near the base of the calyculus). When ripe and in warm weather, the flower capsule will burst and expose the cotton surrounding the seeds firmly. The cotton produced by this plant is short, about 25 millimetres long and is firmly attached to the seed, which is covered in hairy down. Cotton fibres grow from the surface of the seeds and can be separated from these by hand or mechanically; the long fibres are called lint. The cotton fibres consist of nearly pure cellulose. 2.12.2024 © 2024 Didier Ruef
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