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Switzerland. Canton Ticino. Lugano. Church « Santa Maria di Loreto ». A groups of priests are reading the bible and celebrate Vespers which is a sunset evening prayer service in the Roman Catholic liturgies of the canonical hours. The priests are from left to right: Don Romeo Harinaivo from Madagascar, Don Riju Anthoni from India, Don Herve Solofoarimanana from Madagascar, Don Carlo Louisetti from Italy, Don Stanley Orazurike from Nigeria. On the wall, a painting from Carlo Borromeo, 2 October 1538 – 3 November 1584) was Roman Catholic archbishop of Milan from 1564 to 1584 and a cardinal. He was a leading figure of the Counter-Reformation combat against the Protestant Reformation. In that role he was responsible for significant reforms in the Catholic Church, including the founding of seminaries for the education of priests. He is honored as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church.14.03.2018 © 2018 Didier Ruef